ay something...say anything...say what?
A big trend this year in home decor was typography of a million different kinds. Old letters, marquee left overs, sign posts, wood blocks, stencils, antique signs, etc. I happen to love the trend, though honestly, I don't have much, if any, of it in my house at the moment.
I'm ALMOST done with my new room. As we speak my shirt is covered in green and yellow and white paint and my fingers have yellow paint on them from the 3rd coat I've been putting on the dresser. I figure it's going to need at least one more coat. Hopefully today I'll have time to make my headboard, and the art work too. (sometimes I am overly ambitious in my thought process though...I thought I could get everything done over the weekend but that did not happen). And thankfully 3 friends helped me paint the room itself or I would still be working on that. I did get the baseboards installed last night, moved the bed and a few small pieces of furniture in there and changed all the bedding, new bed skirt, etc. So far I LOVE it. It's smaller than my other room, but cozy and lovely. I'm excited to show it to you, but you're going to have to wait another day or so. In the meantime, here are some cool typography ideas that I may incorporate in some form or another in the artwork.

Holden must have had the same thing in mind, you should check the pictures I tagged you in on fb :) Also, I'm way excited to see your room! It sounds adorable so far, I LOVE that green.
I love "Keep Calm and Carry On". I will have to think of a way to get that in my house!
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