My file of
BOLD is getting pretty full so I thought I share some happy decor ideas. I think the bold ones are usually my favorites. Lately all my dreams are very vivid and bright, so these images kind of remind me of a pocketful of dreams. Life is too short for boring rooms. :)
This is super insane...but don't tell me you don't wish you had the NERVE to do this...I love the color combinations here...and it's such a great space!
Will I ever grow sick of these types of chairs and couches, etc.??? I doubt it...
This is just so crazily great...the wall and the combination of plums with bold turquoise is awesome.
Here I just can't get enough of that Robin's Egg blue...
Great combination of colors. Don't be afraid to throw everything into the mix!
I just think this is adorable. I've long admired that Anthropologie comforter. I wish they were just a might bit cheaper. But I'm super cheap when it comes to stuff like that...
Don't you adore the rug with everything else? I don't think a white couch would ever survive in my house unless it were leather...and even then I have my doubts. But I do like the look of a white couch. It's such a nice neutral palate to start with.
THIS is just happy happy happy!
That couch is to die for!
I don't know how they did this headboard exactly but I LOVE it.
I love the sheer audacity of this couch. I'd totally do this couch in my house someday. 
Okay, be still my heart. Those floral materials are PERFECT along with the lampshade and the map??? Loverly. Again with the plummy colors and the blues. Really works.
Okay this is a serious inspiration for me, because my office is this green color, and I wanted to add orange in there but I wasn't sure if it would work. And now I'm seriously considering adding some yellow to the mix. Isn't this just the cheeriest?
LOVE black and white with limey or kelly greens.
Big time headboard envy.
Again with the yellows and the greens (full favorite colors are green and yellow...with orange a close third)
This is crazy genius if I ever saw it.