Things are busy around here right now - but here is a blog about something our family did a few weeks ago - once we get Holden settled at the MTC I'll try to catch up other recent adventures.
Living with Kirk is always an interesting adventure. Even though we had a very busy week filled with many things he decided it would be a cool idea to have a 1st annual cake bake off a la "ace of cakes". We're calling it the "Hays Cake or Death Bake Off".
Some of us took the challenge very seriously. Holden and Noelle literally spent most of the week perfecting their home-made cake recipe and fondant. They did an elaborate cake that took all day. Jordan and Kirk also spent the majority of the day on their cake(s) [yes, cakes plural, because Kirk & Jordan are the over-achievers in the family]
Brennan and I had excuses for why we did not spend the entire day on our cake. Brennan was at a junior lifeguard olympics all morning and I had a splitting headache. Brennan earned many, many medals at his olympics.

Noelle's parents were coming over for a bar-b-que dinner and they did the judging.

Holden and Noelle did a "Dia De Los Muertos" cake. In case you are unfamiliar - that means "Day of the Dead" in Spanish. Day of the Dead is a celebration of Mexico - it is kind of like a mix between memorial day and Halloween. Anyway, their cake was a very cool skull. They had to sculpt each layer and then lay the fondant on top, after which they painted on the decor with a paint brush. Then they added LED lights in the eyes. What an awesome cake! It was also homemade red velvet cake too.

Kirk & Jordan did two cakes based on famous paintings. One was Van Gogh's Sunflowers and the other was a Picasso. They were super cool! The cakes themselves were not homemade like Holden's and Noelle's but Noelle's mother Angel happens to love lemon cake and that is what one of their cakes was - which just put them over the top for the win.

Brennan and i finished 3rd with our chocolate mountain range. We did not deserve any higher than 3rd because ours took FAR LESS time than everyone else's. BUT I have to say, our cake was the only one that was completely eaten before having to throw them out - which I attribute to my home-made chocolate frosting, which is pretty darn good.

I'm pretty sure we're going to make it annual event!