Monday, March 01, 2010

Trying like Daffodils, to bloom again

"On head and shoulders rivulets of warmth
Ease tangled thoughts and tired nerves long-clenched.
Remembering to live till spring -
A wish denied - my heart relents, accepts
Renewal, and tries like daffodils To bloom again." Doris Gayzagian

All I really want is spring. And spring just seems to be this illusive thing in Phoenix this year. By now, normally, every day is a nice warm room temperature experience. I feel like nature is sad this year - every few days it sort of heaves itself of rain and rain and rain. Which never happens in Phoenix really.

So I am dreaming of spring and summer. Everything seems better when the sun is out. So here are some inspiring images of pools I've saved for a while. I'm so happy I have a pool. I can't wait to use it again.


  1. I'm with you. This weather is giving me a serious case of the sads.
    Love the pools- I can't wait for swimming weather!

  2. I love those skinny lap pools with killer views. You think I could fit one in my backyard? :)
