Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Love Affair With Color - Kate Spade


very one knows that material things are not suppose to make you happy. Right? But sometimes....

Is it sad that sometimes material things can make a girl happy?

Life has been difficult lately - but at Christmas time when I was at the mall, really not knowing what I would like for Christmas - the Kate Spade store caught my eye...

I've always really liked Kate Spade, but something about their new look with all the bright excellent colors just really made my heart go pitter patter.and there were so many things in the the store that looked like they could really make a girl feel complete, or happy or at least really joyful:

I ended up with this:

And this:

And honestly? There are days when pulling that little day timer out of that bright orange bag makes me so very happy. In fact, lately, there are days when that is the brightest spot in my whole day.

...and for a completely disorganized (or at least mostly disorganized...) girl like me, who has never been able to consistently use my Icalendar, or my other day timers, or my to do list on my Ipod - it is nothing short of a miracle that my bright raspberry organizer actually gets used. For 3 months now I've actually kept track of my calendar in it and WRITTEN STUFF DOWN - and kept track of "to do" items and people's phone numbers and lists of things I need to buy. How amazing is that? All I needed was a little color inspiration.

So thank you Kate Spade for making my life a little better.

Oh and thanks for the Christmas present to Mr. Hays. I'm quite sure he had no idea what those two pretty little boxes under the tree would come to mean to me.

1 comment:

  1. "All I needed was a little color inspiration." Funny how often those eight little words ring true! Glad to know it's working for you!
