Tuesday, January 15, 2013

lia sophia's awesome January sale

So I haven't really posted on my blog about the fact that I'm a lia sophia advisor.  It's something I decided to do for two reasons; 1.  to make a little extra money and 2.  because I really do dig the jewelry.

This post is about the January sale.  It's really really good.  Unfortunately it's so good I probably won't make any money because I'm too tempted to spend it all on jewelry.

Here's the sale flyer.  Certain items are on a big discount and in ADDITION to that you have the sale of buy one, get two things half off!  You can't beat that!  Some things are retiring too so this is a last chance sale for certain items.

for reals you guys these are awesome deals.  I have two parties that I can add to this month and AND I can possibly even offer additional half priced items for a lucky few people.  So please let me know if you want to order this is a LAST CHANCE sale on a lot of jewelry.  Send me an email to lezleehays@gmail.com if you're interested, or if you're my fb friend, send me a fb message.  Or obviously call me if you have my phone number.  I'm not going to post it here but you can email me for it if you want.  If you're not from Phoenix and you still want to order I am more than happy to mail it to you.  

Here are some of my favorite retiring pieces:

I really love this necklace called Windstorm.  I've got to get one of these before they go away.  

I already have this cute Verde bracelet which I love

I have only ONE of these bracelets and obviously I need far more of them before they disappear

I LOVE this bracelet.  I wear it all the time.  But I only have it in mint, and it also comes in lemon and navy and I feel like I really need those too.  

I probably shouldn't sell this jewelry because I BUY too much of it!  

They also have great necklaces as gifts for valentines day for your friends or little girls even - with this sale, it's a steal.  

(all gold is gold plated, and silver is silver plated with rhodium - a member of the platinum family - as the base metal.  All jewelry has a lifetime guarantee for full replacement)

To find the full catalog online just type in liasophia/lezleehays into your browser bar.  

Or follow this link:  lezlee's lia sophia page

You can actually enter your own order by searching for a party and choosing me as the hostess.  But some people find that process confusing, so feel free to just tell me what you'd like via email. 


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