Friday, November 30, 2012

Ongoing Project: A New Office & Library

Remember last month when I blogged about this  if you dont remember you're welcome to go check it out.  But basically I was announcing my intent to start a new project.  Projects take me time.  And the first part is always just the idea part.

So I know I want an office & library, and I know I want it to feel really great and polished, but also comfy and a smidge sophisticated girly maybe.  But that's about all I was sure about.

I was totally torn on color.  But for the past two years I have been obsessed with the idea of a peacock blue room.

Yesterday I came across two pillows the EXACT PERFECT peacock blue.

Kinda like these colors:

You have no idea how excited this made me.  I have been looking for something in the exact correct color all this time.  I now have something I can take into Dunn Edwards and get them to match it to the exact exact color I want.  So now that is making me want to re-paint my family room in these colors too - white with at least one accent wall in this strong color.


I'm so excited.

Now to empty out the room and start painting.  I'll keep you updated.  I'm sure it will take me months to get it all finished.  But sometimes coming up with the perfect idea is the hardest part.  

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