Friday, October 26, 2012

Annual Color Contest - My Favorites

So this year I didn't have any entries from the Apartment Therapy room for color contest (which I came sorta close to winning one year - I made it into the quarterfinals).  In retrospect I probably could have entered Jordan's pink room re-do, but I didn't think of it soon enough.


I love when this contest comes out every year.  Because these are just regular people making interesting use of color in their homes, and they aren't professional decisions and they haven't hired a stylist to stage them either.

Here are my favorites from this year:

Syd + Eric from Roxbury MA:

Okay, first off this is my most favorite shade of blue.  I'm obsessed with this blue.  Second, check out the John Malkovich portal!  Seriously, he painted that on that tiny door.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry you've never seen that movie, because it's awesome.  Everything about this room is coolness.

Sybelle from Madrid Spain:

What's not to love here?  Yellow always makes me happy.

Sue from Westfield NJ:

First off, great use of a dark color.  Second, how much do you love how she hung her art work???  Great taste.

Skyla from Washington DC:

Skyla has chosen one of my favorite greens.  Plus I love her styling of this space.

Polly from Abilene TX:

I adore everything about this.  And that color is a TOUGH one to pull off.  This might be my very most favorite room over all just because there are so many things working together for me.  It just makes my eyes happy.

Oliver from Canada:

Bold green walls?  A man after my own heart.

Nikki from Alexandria VA:

I love this gray - such an interesting shade.  Moreover, I love how she's gone with this orangey and blue accents along with it.  I might have pushed the orange into more of a coral, but this is a great combination.

Nadia from Tarrytown NY:

Maybe zig zags and gray and yellow are a little trendy, but she's done it so well.  Super cute.

Melyssa from Arlington MA:

I really like that color and it's a tricky one to be sure.  But extra style points for that Stay Gold Pony Boy poster on the wall.  I freaking need that.

Lindsey from Pfugerville TX:

Where the heck is Pfugerville Texas for one thing?  this is such a fun room!

Kimaada from Chicago:

How often can you make a room with crazy hot pink walls and a striped ceiling look like it works?  But she's managed it here I think.  Really cool.

Jill from Wilmington NC:

Holy cats this lady has done something crazy that I absolutely love.  That whole wall is FULL of the same painting over and over again (Blue Boy).  That awesome old tv, the sputnik light.  This is my kind of room.

Elizabeth from Austin, TX

It was hard to pick a photo of her room because I liked all of them.  That color on the ways is crazy dark, but it is really great.  And I adored the vintage photo and feel of the space.

Dawnelle from Bridgeton NJ:

I love the dark green.  That is not a color I would have thought to choose.  Yet in this nursery, it is such a great and different pick.  I also adore that mobile with origami birds.

If you'd like to go vote for your favorites, the contest is still open for voting:

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