Monday, March 26, 2012

Architectural Identity

I notice that over and over again there are two architectural styles I'm drawn too in almost equal measure.

One is a homey little cottage or bungalow like this:

And the other is this sort of modern linear feel like seems fabulous to me:

They sort of seem like two sides of my personality, sometimes I feel like this persona:

And some days I'm this persona

Some days I want to swim in these kinds of pools:

And some days this seems more appealing:

And to be honest, I'm never sure which one is more my actual personality.  


Or this:

But this is the house I live in:

And I really love it.  If I won the lottery, I'm not even so sure I would move.  But if I did, I probably opt for something like this:

How about you?  

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea. I think I'm a mix of those two styles too. Not quite as stark as the ultramodern, but not as cottagy as the cottage. Yeah and where I live bears no resemblance to anything!
