Tuesday, January 03, 2012

INexpensive Art Options

If you're not really in a position to buy an original piece of art - think about buying a unique print.  Something everyone else doesn't have.  There are a lot of great resources for prints and art online and you'll have something that you won't see all that often.  I loved "Keep Calm & Carry On" until I started seeing it EVERYWHERE.  There are tons of great options that no one you know probably has in their house.

Some Ideas:

This is Sweethearts by Jonathan Lewis available through 20x200.com for $50

There are these really great photographers online who sell their work super inexpensively - case in point this girl who has a website abbytrysagain.com - this print (and lots of other ethereal goodness) is available in original film prints for $7.  $7 people!  Amazing

From the website crashamerica.com you can find really gorgeous posters for touring ads of current and some older bands.  The art work is excellent and none of the posters are more than $25.  You might find your favorite band, or you can find something that just makes you feel cheeky displaying it on your wall.  Like a vintage Butthole Surfer poster.  Check it out.

Green with Envy, by the same woman who started the Keep Calm and Carry on craze.  sfgirlbybay on Etsy - this print available for $16.

Art print by Lisa Congdon at Lisacongdon.com - available for only $35

Cool prints from Orkposters.com show a city in it's graphical neighborhoods.  Super cool for $35

More cool band posters and other silk screened art at headsofstate.com - most about $35.

I love so many on this website, I'd have a really hard time choosing - and only $10.99!  Theposterlist.com

Green Bird by Kareem Rizk - from thumbtack press.com - $49 on a stretched canvas frame.  


  1. Thanks for the awesome links. I keep saying I would never buy something that I can make myself but then I don't make it; so these sites will come in handy!
