Monday, January 23, 2012

The Cure (not the band though)

Although I love the band The Cure, that's not what I'm talking about today.  ;)

 A few women at church are doing the "home cure" and I'm kind of leading the effort.  Some of them have already started and some of them are starting soon.

Organized, calm, and clean, these are the characteristic traits of a happy household and a productive workspace.  Our houses and apartments are far more than just a container for our things. Rather, our approach to home has everything to do with our approach to life.  In some ways, curing our home, is also a means of curing our lives in significant ways.  

I thought I would share a few links to some great videos done by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, the author of the Apt. Therapy Home Cure.  He does a great job of giving you an overview of what a 20 min surface clean in a room should look like.  (I think he's kind of adorable i this kind of hip indie sorta way)


Our 20 day home cure looks like this:

Day 1   Floor and Surface Clean one room Entirely
Day 2   Buy Flowers
Day 3   Sit for 10 minutes in a chair or in a spot you never sit in (or rarely do)
Day 4   Remove 1 item from your home and donate it
Day 5   Buy or replace a cleaner with an eco cleaner
Day 6   Floor and Surface Clean a different room than Day 1
Day 7   Buy or cut free Flowers
Day 8   Find a new recipe
Day 9   Cook your new recipe and have dinner at home
Day 10 Find inspiring images of homes and design ideas you love
Day 11  Floor and Surface Clean another room
Day 12  Buy or Cut free flowers
Day 13  Declutter your medicine cabinet 
Day 14  Make a list of 6 needs for your home or goals
Day 15  Declutter your books and media - donate or take to re-sell
Day 16  Floor and Surface Clean one room
Day 17  Buy or cut flowers
Day 18  Go on a complete media fast (except in case of work)
Day 19  Consider your artwork - look for images of new work you’d like to own
Day 20  Take a long bath

IF you're interested in doing the home cure with me and want some of the materials I used in the class we had last week - send me a message and let me know and I'll be happy to get the packet of information to you.

This 20 day cure is a pre-cursor to a much longer 8 week project we're going to tackle later on.

Click here for the video link