Saturday, January 01, 2011



This time of year people talk about Resolutions a lot. I always find the idea of officially starting the new year with a resolution a little strange - to me, a person should probably have a list of potential resolutions they are working on all the time - that seems like an essential part of growth to me. We don't always accomplish all that we would like, or at least not always in exactly the way we imagined or in the time frame we wished, so inherent in our resolutions are a certain amount of set-backs and having to re-think or renegotiate. That's okay too, because that also gives us a chance to grow and develop.

There are a number of things I would like to accomplish in the short term and in the long term. I like the word "Resolve" more than "Resolution"...resolve sounds more firm, a little bit more determined, but also meaning a solution to a problem. Because life is really about facing our problems and finding solutions to them.

So in addition to the number of "resolves" I have in multiple areas of my life, which I won't necessarily go into detail with here, I also have some things I'm resolved to do around the house this year.

1. Finish remodeling Brennan's room
2. Finish remodeling Holden's room
3. Finish moving my desk into my new "office space" and decorate that space
4. Create a door between my new bedroom and the new office

If those are the main items I finish in the house this year, I can be happy with those. There are other things I can think of as well, but being realistic, those will probably have to wait for another year.

One thing I really want to do as part of the new office is find some affordable but good, Arne Jacobson egg chair knock offs (because I can't even realistic contemplate spending money on a 'real' one). I also like the swan chair too.

1 comment:

  1. Good Blog Lezlee. I like the distinction between resolve and resolution.
    Those are fun chairs and would SO go in your house!
