Wednesday, June 30, 2010



ho is this chick? I have no idea, but she's eating the right color of popsicle.

So today, some LIME inspiration:
I can honestly say I don't know if I've EVER loved a kitchen more than this. Nothing may ever compare ever again.

This is in a Trina Turk boutique...but I loved it so much, I had to add it anyway...

Admittedly, this is a little more minty than limey. A few things that I really love, first of all that EVERYTHING is the same, the dishwasher is the same surface color as the rest of the kitchen, the pull outs are something that I have in my kitchen and I love them! Also, that wood floor is gorgeous. I'm always really torn between a light wood and the darker wood floors. I think light wood is much more forgiving generally (especially since I have 3 dogs and kids) - dark floors show too much dirt and dusty prints. But I love how this has dark spots. Probably more forgiving than any wood floor I can imagine. (although light floors are more forgiving...NEVER do a white or an off white either - we used to have white tile and it was simply awful). I also really, really dig the drawer pulls.

Another gorgeous kitchen. Love the table and chairs too.

Yum, Yum, Yummy sofa. And leather (or fake leather) is the BEST when you have little kids and/or pets.

Great pop of lime color on the walls here and love all the alphabet letters too.

more subdued than a true lime but I love a lot of things here. What are those screens on the cabinet doors? I love them. Also, as you know by now if you've been looking at this blog at all - I'm a total sucker for these small mosaic tiles. I must have some someday somewhere. Very European with the faucet coming from the wall.

This is just crazy delicious.

Such a nice balance without going into Grandma or shabby chic territory. LOVE the floors.

Love this color, and all the white helps balance it and not make you feel like it is too crazy (by the way, I think my mother officially thinks I am insane after looking at my paint chips of green for my soon to be bedroom paint...she keeps saying "remember...colors make a room look smaller...she's very dubious...but this is a woman who doesn't have a non-white room in her house...she also told me that painting the ceilings colors is NOT what you're suppose to do unbeknownst me they are all suppose to be white. Who knew? She's going to die when she realizes I'm considering a slight pinkish hue on my ceiling)
A little stuffy, but lovely.
doing the chair rail so bold with the white on top is a good way to mitigate the effects of it being too green in a space that you think will be overwhelmed.

More popsicle summer inspiration to come!

1 comment:

  1. I love the "gorgeous" kitchen CEILING, that is awesome, I love white and green damasky patterns. The cabinets, table, chairs, and especially the doorway behind remind me of high school chemistry class.
