Saturday, December 05, 2009

In Honor Of Chrismas - Red & White & Green

P retty quickly, my folders start to fill up with more images of rooms I love. So I'll probably continue this series through out the year of sharing them periodically.

Because it's Christmas Time, I'm sharing some of my latest favorites in Red, White & Green:
How much do you love this tile? I mean, it's a completely crazy idea that totally works, if you look closely, it's completely random and there are several different reds with the white - I just don't know if I would dare do it, but I really think it's glorious.

How crazy are you about this? I mean, really, isn't this what we all hope heaven would look like?

Isn't that green totally delish? With the black cabinets and that great oversized diamond black & white tile? It's really, really great.

I'm kind of obsessed with these great mid century modern chairs in all their various styles right now. I love how you don't need very much red to really make a statement, just a couple of things will do.

That view is ridiculous. You could never tear yourself away from it could you? It feels like you're practically living in the clouds.
I'm not sure if I totally get what's going on here? Does this person teach small preschoolers at this table during the day? Elves? Kate Gosselin's house? Well regardless, there is something very charming and awesome about it. And kind of nervy...but it works.

I think if I had one wish for when I remodel my children's bathroom (which will be when it becomes the guest bath, after the children move out) , it would be to do the whole stinking room in these little tiny mosaic tiles - I just love them so much.

I'm really, really into the views right now. I love rooms with big windows. I told Kirk the other day that I would like to knock out the walls in back between the bedroom and family room and the back yard and just have massive window walls. I probably won't really do that, but don't you love this feeling of being both inside and outside at the same time? I love white in a big airy room.

More of those awesome little mosaic tiles. I really think they are to die for.

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