Wednesday, November 18, 2009

White Wednesday


oday is sort of like a palette cleanser. We still have a couple more intense colors to go but today we'll focus on White.

In my house growing up we had ALL white walls. I had a pink bedroom and my mom allowed me to get a pink paint but it was so barely pink that I couldn't even tell it wasn't white. I'm not sure why my mom likes white walls so much. Her favorite colors are purple and red. I grew very weary of white walls and vowed never to have any in my own house. So that's my disclaimer - I don't know that I would ever be able to have a white room. But here are some white rooms where I do like what they've got going on. The key to white rooms I think is that you've got to commit to it. You've got to go white all the way with maybe just a touch of color somewhere.

A white room with white furnishings can be very serene. And if it's done right, it's also a pretty good bet you'll look very sophisticated.

The things to remember when choosing white as the main color are:

1. Be Committed!

2. Be a Careful Editor!

3. Don't be afraid to mix creams and stark whites and grey whites - it will give the space more layers and texture.

4. Add in some Black and a hint of color somewhere.


  1. All of my serving dishes are white. Then I like to use color in other things. Good instruction!

  2. After renting for YEARS I vowed I would never leave a wall white, but after looking at these images I think there are some pretty cool things you can do with it.

  3. Fun series Lezlee! And hey we will be sure and tell you next time we walk down Central. We are thinking of doing from Down town to South Mountain next. We have to figure out how far it is though.

  4. Was that a ship chandelier? I love these.

  5. Weirdly, even though I am a big color girl - I really do find these white rooms very inspiring - and if I'm being honest - in my most zen moments of contemplation, I would probably prefer spending some time alone in one of these rooms over almost any of the colored rooms.

    But I think I prefer to LIVE in the colored rooms -

    Maybe if I had 1 room in the house of all white...hmmmm...someday I'll start taking over my kids bedrooms when they move out!

  6. Is it weird that I keep coming back to look at that bedroom with the fur on the bed? The one with the high windows and all the fabulous light? I could seriously spend a week in that room and not leave at all. (sigh....) I think I need a good vacation!
