Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Voting On THURSDAY!

Okay so the semi finals start this week and I did make it - just barely, I'm 13th out of 16. During the first round of semi-finals I compete against this girl:

Now this has like an indie kind of vintage vibe - plus it's like an artsy little loft space and so it could be tough for me to beat - she got 206 votes in the first round and I got 139. SO I REALLY NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET!

As a reminder, these are my submission photos:

If you voted in the prior round, you can easily vote in this round because you're already signed up for an account, you just have to sign in - and then hit the little vote button. If you didn't vote before, it really just takes a second to get registered, all they ask for is an email address and a password, they send a confirmation to your email and you are good to go! Not hard at all!

I realize my chances of winning this whole thing aren't that great - there are a lot of other really awesome entries. But it would be fun to go as far as possible!

I'm sure I'll be obnoxiously reminding everyone on Thursday, but for now, just make sure you are registered and get ready to vote - once voting opens on that day there will only be 24 hours that you can vote for me.

THIS will take you directly to the voting page -

THIS will take you to a form to sign up to register an account


PS - more good news this weekend - Kirk had two paintings chosen for a show at the Herberger in January! Super Exciting!

1 comment:

  1. I totally think you can beat this woman! Her place stresses me out. I feel like lofts should avoid clutter and hers (while still very cute) feels very cluttered!
