Tuesday, May 29, 2007

BUT....and again with the tree of wisdom

Originally uploaded by sudweeks.

I just read through the past few blog entries and it makes it sound very skewed, as if I really am in a state of annoyance or disagreement with BYU or how things are here much of the time. In defense of BYU I would like to say that in actuality it is a lot like reading the diary of a 13 year old girl. There are going to be a lot of entries that say something like "I hate my mom!" or "I hate my best friend!", but really, she loves her mom and she loves her best friend and all will be well in the end.

That's how it is here with me - I love BYU, we always make up in the end. I am just trying to vent and figure things out as I do not have "friends" here to discuss these annoyances with. That is all.

So never fear, I still heart BYU - just with hesitation at times.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    What a relief!!! I thought I'd have to report you or something.

  2. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Love the slide show!

  3. I know, I am far too controversial for my own good!!! It was easier for me to cave into the peer pressure of it all when I was 18 or 19 ...even 20 or 21. I can't help but sometimes feel sorta annoyed that even my instructor is young enough to be my child (not quite...but if I had been seriously promiscuous when I was 13...so you know, technically possible). I think this makes me less willing to take what they say at "face value" without analyzing it too much for my own good.

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I think noticing who around you is young enough to be your "love child" is controversial.

    I do it all the time.
