Friday, February 24, 2006

Diet Coke & Valium

Originally uploaded by Babsi Jones.
I always said this was the perfect diet for a mom.

Random thoughts: I like the babybel cheese that's covered in wax and the way the wax unfurls when you pull the little tag. Ingenious.

I like being alone in the house.

The perfect time of day is about 10:58 pm.

The worst time of day is about 5:00 pm

Hard licorice is still good.

Tranquility is difficult to find but on those rare occassions when you do manage to capture it they are memorable and great. Times I remember as tranquil:

Sun Valley Idaho in 1981 w/ Alicia

The spa at the Mirage w/ Shannon the year 2000

The pool at the Mandalay Bay 2003

A hottub at a hotel in Salt Lake City when I was about 16 years old, by myself under a starry sky.

Mexico, always in Mexico, on the beach with my licorice.

Stolen moments in the car when it's cold outside but the sun warms the entire interior of the car. Sometimes I won't get out of the car when it's like that. Like a cat.

Sunbathing in my backyard between the ages of 13-17, the smell of Hawaiian Tropicana Suntan oil in my nose - or Baby Oil.

Love's babysoft perfume circa 1981.

Scotland in the ruined Abby's.

Bubble baths and one in particular when I was 17 and realized I was 17 - like really KNEW I was only 17 and that I was free, free, free and I would never be that free ever again. That was the moment I realized childhood was about to end, but I remember it fondly.

Curling up in the fetal position and falling asleep when you don't mean to.

College Campus'. Always feel tranquil on them. Every time.

Under a tree in provo utah, writing.

On my bed in my room in provo utah, writing.

These moments are not to be confused with happiness or bliss - those are very different states.

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